Zero Emissions

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We are CO2 Neutral. Reducing the carbon footprint

By trusting in Alhambra Cloud, you are collaborating in the reduction of emissions produced by the energy necessary for maintaining your infrastructure on the cloud. We are CO2 Neutral.

Commitment to the planet

Zero emissions: Commitment to the planet

At our company we are concerned not only with the quality of our services, but also with our commitment to the planet.

At Alhambra we are aware of the environmental impact of the generation of electrical energy necessary for providing our services. Thus, in 2016 we implemented the 2020 commitment of Alhambra, transforming into a “CO2 Neutral” organisation before 2020; that is, eliminating or offsetting all emissions produced by our activity.

We are a CO2 Neutral organisation

And we achieved this.

We can state that since the start of 2019 we have been CO2 Neutral, as both our main and backup data Centers and our central offices located in Madrid, from which our SOC/NOC/24×7 services are provided, operate continuously with 100% green energy.

CO2 Neutral Organization

We help you with your technology project.